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全球最大奢侈品集团LVMH业绩暴跌 葡萄酒和烈酒降23%

来源:  作者:   发布日期:2020-08-03 11:37:48
文章简介:核心提示:受新冠疫情的影响,全球最大的奢侈品集团LVMH今年上半年营收同比下降28%。其营运利润为16.71亿欧元,较2019年同期下跌68.4%,而 受新冠疫情的影响,全球最大的奢侈品集团LVMH今年上半年营收同比下降28%。其营运利润









“得益于旗下品牌稳固的实力与快速响应能力,我们对 LVMH集团获得复苏充满信心,我们希望在下半年能取得显著成果,并在2020年进一步巩固我们奢侈品行业领军者的地位。” 阿诺特说。

徐菲远 译自 The Drinks Business

LVMH’s sales fall 28% during lockdown

Luxury goods group LVMH has suffered a major setback this year after the fallout from the coronavirus put consumers off spending.

The company, which owns Champagnes Moët & Chandon, Krug, and Veuve Clicquot, Hennessy Cognac and Bordeaux label Château d’Yquem, saw organic sales down by 28% compared to the first six months of 2019, as global lockdowns and cancelled weddings left little cause for celebration.

However, the company’s wine and spirits brands were the least affected by lockdown. While sales of jewellery and watches fell close to 40% organically compared to the same period last year, wine and spirits fell just 23%. Profit from recurring operations was down 29% during the six-month period to €551m (US$646m), down from €772m (US$905m) in 2019.

The second quarter was worse than the first as lockdowns went into effect worldwide, shutting bars, restaurants and non-essential stores, the company said, with declines seen “particularly for the Champagne business”, the company said.

LVMH’s sales in the US showed “resilience” in the second quarter thanks to the performance of Hennessy Cognac, which rebounded in June, as well as more sales growth in China, where social ,

The company acquired majority stakes in two Provence wine brands – Château d’Esclans and Château du Galoupet – last year. Rosé wine sales have performed well in retail in the UK and US during lockdown. LVMH spent the first half of 2020 fully integrating them into the wine portfolio, “strengthening Moët Hennessy’s position in the growing market for high-end rosé wines”.

Bernard Arnault, chairman and CEO of LVMH, said the company’s executives will “remain very vigilant for the rest of the year”, in case a second wave prompts further on-trade closures and further damages the company’s sales.

Arnault said the company’s brands “have shown remarkable agility in implementing measures to adapt their costs and accelerate the growth of online sales. While we have observed strong signs of an upturn in activity since June, we remain very vigilant for the rest of the year. We continue to be driven by a long-term vision, a deep sense of responsibility and a strong commitment to environmental protection, inclusion and solidarity. In the current context, we remain even more firmly dedicated to showing continuous progress in these areas.

“Thanks to the strength of our brands and the responsiveness of our organisation, we are confident that LVMH is in an excellent position to take advantage of the recovery, which we hope will be confirmed in the second half of the year, and to strengthen our lead in the global luxury market in 2020.”

本文:全球最大奢侈品集团LVMH业绩暴跌 葡萄酒和烈酒降23%
文章地址:https://www.cnjiucha.com/techan/jiuxinwen/277137.html 转载请保留链接地址


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标签:全球最大奢侈品集团LVMH业绩暴跌 葡萄酒和烈酒降23%


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